01/24/2020 / By Mike Adams
The horrendously bad decisions of human beings who hold power in government, media and industry have brought the human race to a “perfect storm” of conditions that will strongly contribute to the spread and fatalities of the coronavirus pandemic now threatening the world.
As I relate in an emergency podcast below, the following conditions are now converging into a worst case scenario when trying to stop a pandemic (or a best case scenario for the globalists trying to achieve depopulation):
#1) Open borders policies that allow infected people to walk right across the border into the United States, with no health screening whatsoever.
#2) Sanctuary city policies that protect infected illegals from being discovered or deported.
#3) The widespread practice of biosludge distribution onto food crops. “Biosludge” is the raw human sewage sludge that’s collected by every city in America, slightly dried to reduce water mass, then loaded onto trucks and dumped on nearby farm fields. It’s sold to farmers as “free fertilizer” because it’s rich in nitrogen. It also means that any coronavirus which makes its way into the sewage system will be distributed by U.S. cities onto farm fields, obviously contaminating food crops and multiplying the effects of the pandemic. (See the full documentary at Biosludged.com to learn about biosludge.)
#4) The now-legal practice in Washington State of liquefying dead human bodies and flushing them into the municipal sewage system, where they become biosludge to be spread on crops. This practice was just recently legalized in Washington, and it means the dead will be used to fertilize the food crops that are fed to the living. When people start dying from coronavirus, will they also be flushed into the sewage systems?
#5) The practice — now common in filthy liberal cities — of allowing people to openly defecate in the streets, with no repercussions or arrests. Since viruses often infect human feces and other body excretions, this likely means that coronavirus will be found in the raw human feces that gets washed into storm drains during rain storms. The storm drains in San Francisco, Seattle and other coastal cities empty directly into the ocean, where viruses are then washed onto the beaches of North America, infecting beach goers and mixing with aquatic ecosystems to produce even more potentially dangerous variants of infectious disease.
#6) The continued attacks on natural medicine and the censorship of sources like Natural News that can teach people how to avoid or overcome infections even when pharmaceutical medicines fail (or are completely out of supply).
#7) The compromised human immune system due to widespread vaccination practices that actually weaken, not strengthen, the veracity of the human immune response. People who routinely receive vaccinations such as flu shots are discovered to be more vulnerable to future infections. Widespread immunization practices across North America, Europe, Australia and other countries have created a highly vulnerable population that can be easily infected with coronavirus.
These factors now converge to create a perfect storm for the coronavirus outbreak, which is actually a weaponized, engineered biological weapon being unleashed against humanity in order to achieve depopulation.
It will very likely succeed, since humanity has been begging for self-destruction through all the practices detailed above.
Most notably, the highest fatalities from any such pandemic will occur in cities; especially cities where the homeless are more populous and filthy, unsanitary conditions exist. In other words, liberal cities.
Listen to my urgent podcast for more details:
Tagged Under: Biosludge, coronavirus, infections, liberal cities, Open Borders, outbreak, pandemic, perfect storm