News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Chinese Government Keeping Coronavirus Infection Numbers Artificially LOW by Limiting Supply of Medical Testing Kits
The communist Chinese government is keeping the official tally of “infected” coronavirus patients artificially low by limiting the supply of diagnostic testing kits, warns an independent journalist in China, who leaked the information to The Epoch Times. “The outbreak of Wuhan coronavirus is far bigger than the official figures released by Chinese public health authorities […]
By Mike Adams
DO THE MATH: Wuhan Region Urgently Adding 100,000 Hospital Beds as Official Chinese Government Claims Outbreak Only Affecting 4,000 People
As The Epoch Times is now reporting, China’s Hubei Province, which encompasses the Wuhan region known as “ground zero” for the coronavirus outbreak, is urgently adding 100,000 hospital beds even as the official infection numbers from the Chinese government are barely above 2,900. “The epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, China’s Hubei Province, is opening up […]
By Mike Adams
Food, Sanitizers and Mask Supplies Getting WIPED OUT Across America as Fears Rise of Coronavirus Quarantines in the USA
Over 56 million mainland Chinese are already living under military-enforced quarantines; essentially a state of regional martial law. As has been widely reported across the media, food supplies have disappeared from grocery store shelves across the region. Even under the extreme censorship of the communist regime in power there, the truth is leaking out: People […]
By Mike Adams
Wuhan Coronavirus Update: 44,000 Now Infected, Warn University of Hong Kong Researchers
Nearly 44,000 people are already infected by the Wuhan coronavirus, warned academic researchers from the University of Hong Kong over the weekend. The “official” number of infections claimed by the communist Chinese government is only 2900, revealing a desperate effort to cover up the true numbers and lie to the world about a dangerous, deadly […]
By Mike Adams
N95 Masks USELESS, Coronavirus Enters Body Through EYEBALLS, Warns Infected Doctor in Wuhan, China
N95 masks are useless against coronavirus. These masks don’t create a full facial seal, and a doctor in China is now warning that he contracted coronavirus by failing to wear a full face mask. Importantly most health care professionals shown in the media are wearing only N95-style masks which are pointless and don’t stop the […]
By Mike Adams
REVENGE of the 12 MONKEYS: Nature Science Journal Warned about “Pathogens Escaping” Wuhan Level-4 Biosafety Lab (BSL-4) Before Coronavirus Outbreak; Infected Monkeys Bite, Scratch Researchers
There is a level-4 biosafety laboratory in Wuhan, China, where microbiologists study and develop genetically engineered biological weapons. And in 2017, the science journal Nature warned the world about “pathogens escaping” and infecting the world. It now appears that scenario has unfolded exactly as feared. “Some scientists outside China worry about pathogens escaping, and the […]
By Mike Adams
BREAKING: Coronavirus Hits 15% Fatality Rate, 83% Infection Rate for Those Exposed; Lancet Publishes Early Study That Points to Alarming Consequences for Humanity
BREAKING: The U.S. news media is currently running about one to two days behind the Chinese media in covering the bombshell revelations surrounding the coronavirus pandemic. Natural News has Chinese-speaking investigators on the ground in Taiwan, and they’re scanning the Chinese media for the most important announcements. Earlier today, the Taiwan media began reporting on […]
By Mike Adams
Hundreds of Thousands of Chinese Fled Wuhan by ROAD as Quarantine Targeted Railways and Airports
From sources on the ground in Taiwan, speaking to mainland Chinese who fled Wuhan as the pandemic exploded there, we now know that at least 300,000 citizens of Wuhan fled the city by road as the quarantine was being hastily put in place for rail travel and airports. As the local government started announcing its […]
By Mike Adams
Coronavirus “Perfect Storm” Now Exists Thanks to Biosludge, Open Borders, Filthy Liberal Cities
The horrendously bad decisions of human beings who hold power in government, media and industry have brought the human race to a “perfect storm” of conditions that will strongly contribute to the spread and fatalities of the coronavirus pandemic now threatening the world. As I relate in an emergency podcast below, the following conditions are […]
By Mike Adams
BREAKING: Coronavirus a stealth strain that can be carried by people who show NO fever or coughing symptoms… detection almost impossible under current government guidelines
Coronavirus is spreading among people who show non-respiratory symptoms. This means detection of the carriers of the virus is going to be extremely difficult, given that nearly all health officials around the world are looking for respiratory symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and breathing difficulties. Some carriers of this rapidly spreading strain of coronavirus show […]
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