News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Revisiting “phage” therapy: “Bacteria-eating” viruses can help fight antibiotic-resistant superbugs, suggest scientists
Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest public health threats the modern world is facing, and good solutions are sorely lacking. One approach that has been gaining some traction lately is phage therapy, but is it really a good answer to this pressing problem? Bacteriophages, or “phages,” are a type of biological infectious agent that […]
By Cassie B.
Hospitals are breeding grounds for superbugs, and the crisis is affecting doctors, not just patients
Antibiotic-resistant infections remain a serious problem in hospitals throughout the world, and they’re widely considered to be one of the biggest health threats we are facing today. Unfortunately, the very places people go for treating such infections also happen to be major breeding grounds for superbug infections, and it’s impacting patients and doctors alike. A […]
By Cassie B.
First do no harm? 1 in 4 Americans have been prescribed “unnecessary” antibiotics, reveals study
As the world struggles to find a way to deal with the deadly problem of antibiotic resistance, it’s important to take a look at how we ended up in this situation in the first place – and one big factor has been unnecessary antibiotic use. You might like to think that every time you’ve taken […]
By Cassie B.
WHO says we should stop giving antibiotics to healthy animals as rates of antibiotic resistance continue to soar
The problem of antibiotic resistance has gained a lot of international attention in recent years, with doctors and patients alike growing more aware of the need to curb unnecessary antibiotic use. However, even if everybody does their part, there’s another very big factor that should not be overlooked: Around 80 percent of the antibiotics around […]
By Cassie B.
Muslim refugees bringing wave of tuberculosis to Minnesota… CDC silent, media refuses to accurately cover
While parents of schoolchildren in California are being bullied into getting their kids vaccinated and shamed by the mainstream media, refugees are entering our country with highly contagious diseases and the media and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are barely batting an eye. In the span of five years, 296 cases of […]
By Cassie B.
Parents of non-vaccinated children denied the right to attend school as left-wing judge orders them to stay home during outbreak carried by VACCINATED children
In New York, a federal judge has ruled against the parents of non-vaccinated kids, denying their children their right to attend school. U.S. District Court Judge Vincent Briccetti denied a temporary injunction request that would have permitted 44 unvaccinated kids to return to school. This will keep the students out of the Green Meadow Waldorf […]
By Cassie B.
Should you be concerned about the spreading PLAGUE? Experts warn global outbreak now possible
If you thought the plague was something we don’t have to worry about in modern times, think again: 1,300 cases have been confirmed in Africa recently, and in true plague style, the numbers are continuing to rise. Two-thirds of these plague cases are believed to be pneumonic, which is considered the fastest and deadliest type […]
By Cassie B.
“Mystery virus” spreading like wildfire across U.S. population, putting people in bed for a MONTH… is this a depopulation bioweapon experiment?
A cough can be rather annoying, especially when it keeps you up at night, but you can usually take comfort from knowing that it tends to run its course rather quickly and you’ll be back to normal in no time. Unfortunately, a new virus is going around that is turning what is normally a week-long […]
By Cassie B.
Simple way to avoid the flu and common colds: Consume more probiotics
If you’ve shut yourself inside your house this winter in hopes of avoiding catching a cold or the flu, you’ll be glad to know that there’s a simple and natural way you can reduce your risk so you can get out and enjoy the holiday season. Recent research published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology […]
By Cassie B.
Health authorities warn next superbug pandemic will kill “millions” … and nations aren’t doing anything to stop it
When you think of a pandemic, global disease outbreaks like the Spanish flu that killed 50 million in the early 1900s or the more recent HIV/AIDS pandemic are what usually come to mind. However, some experts are warning that the next pandemic will come from an unexpected source – and it’s something that could largely […]
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