News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Black Death and incurable Marburg Virus now spreading across Africa’s cities… world’s medical system helpless to stop it
Africa is currently contending with two serious disease outbreaks. The pneumonic plague has been making headlines as it sweeps across Madagascar, but there are concerns about it are being eclipsed by a far more sinister threat: A rare and fatal virus known Marburg virus disease (MVD), which has now broken out in Uganda. The World […]
By Cassie B.
Industrial agriculture practices likely to threaten world food supply through heightened risk of crop disease, study finds
Have you ever stopped to think about what would happen if wheat production ground to a halt across the world? It’s something that few people worry about, but it’s more likely than you think thanks to modern industrial agriculture practices. Many of the planet’s most widely grown varieties of wheat have been affected by new […]
By Cassie B.
WHO warns world running out of synthetic antibiotics, but refuses to acknowledge power of natural herbal antibiotics
The rise in antibiotic resistance has now reached the point where the World Health Organization feels the need to announce that the planet is running out of antibiotics. Not enough new antibiotics are being developed, according to their report, particularly when it comes to treating antibiotic-resistant infections. This is indeed concerning. WHO Director General Tedros […]
By Cassie B.
Hepatitis A outbreak in San Diego has officials washing streets and extending public restroom hours as the disease infects hundreds
San Diego has long been known for its beaches and zoo, but now it is making a name for itself in far less appealing categories, like feces and disease. A state of emergency for San Diego Country was declared on September 1 as the city contends with an outbreak of Hepatitis A. Nearly 450 people […]
By Cassie B.
Aggressive fear push on Lyme disease by the media just part of the plan to roll out a new Lyme vaccine
Lyme disease cases are on the rise in the Western world, and pharmaceutical companies are hoping to cash in on the illness with the help of a new vaccine. In the U.S., the number of confirmed cases of the tick-borne illness in 2015 was nearly 29,000, compared to 23,000 ten years earlier. Lyme disease can […]
By Cassie B.
HIV transmission MYTH totally blown away by new science: Unprotected sex with HIV-infected partners produces almost ZERO new infections
No new cases of HIV emerged among a group of gay men who had unprotected sex with infected partners who were undergoing treatment in a new Australian study. While this might be shocking to those of us who have been subjected to the CDC’s fear campaigns surrounding the virus, most scientists and doctors who have […]
By Cassie B.
Groundbreaking study on flu shots and pregnant women PROVES that flu shots weaken immunity in subsequent years
Doctors have recommended that pregnant women get flu shots for a long time now because pregnant women and babies have a high risk of complications from the flu, but many women are reluctant to take on the risks, particularly when there is no guarantee the vaccine will afford any amount of protection. A new study […]
By Cassie B.
New blood donation rules to allow gay men and prostitutes to donate blood just 90 days after unprotected sex
England and Scotland are set to relax the restrictions that are currently placed on blood donations from gay men and sex workers as part of a series of reforms that were recently announced by the government. Under the current rules, gay men must wait a full year after the last time they had sexual intercourse […]
By Cassie B.
In pushing malaria drug finding, the mainstream media accidentally admits Zika virus vaccines are obsolete
Although the Zika mass hysteria has largely died down, those who stand to benefit financially from the overblown illness are trying to keep it in the headlines. The latest news sees a malaria drug being touted as a possible treatment, and a mainstream media news story about the medication features a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it admission that Zika […]
By Cassie B.
Fecal bacteria found in Starbucks drinks, says report
If the massive amount of sugar found in most Starbucks beverages hasn’t managed to deter you from going there, the prospect of another unwelcome ingredient found in the coffee chain’s beverages should be enough to send you running in the opposite direction: Fecal bacteria. That’s right, you could be getting a lot more than you […]
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