News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
DEJA VU: Just like cruise ships that came to America carrying COVID-infected people, gay parade likely a MONKEYPOX super-spreader
Cruise boats are like huge floating cesspools of germs, bacteria and viruses spread by crowds of people eating from the same food buffets, sharing drinks, touching all the same fixtures, and engaging each other in close quarters. In March of 2020, several cruise ships full of COVID-19-infected passengers docked on the West coast of the […]
By S.D. Wells
If CDC mandates Smallpox vaccine for Monkeypox pandemic, expect serious side effects, including breathing difficulty and deadly “cardiac events” – 2005 CDC study
Just as human papillomavirus (HPV) is a rare sexually transmitted disease caused by a virus that children and teens have no business getting vaccinated for, monkeypox is a rare sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a virus for which the world needs not be vaccinated against. Still, the scare of a pandemic itself makes pharma […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 “COMPLICATIONS” linked to Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J COVID gene mutation injections
There’s only one reason people would accept high risk of getting injured or killed by a “vaccine” as a tradeoff for a virus that only kills .01 percent of the population. That reason is that they have no idea just how dangerous the jab really is. People all over the world who are prone to […]
By S.D. Wells
THEORY: Shanghai lockdowns are imposed so the masses will NOT catch mild “XE” variant – because it will HELP natural immunity and END the pandemic
There exists plenty of science behind the weakening of variants when it comes to a pandemic entering the endemic phase. “More contagious, less dangerous” is the saying for the weakening of variants as pandemics play themselves out. Omicron was said to have brought a “fresh wave” of SARS-CoV-2 infections, along with some anxiety and false-PCR […]
By S.D. Wells
Bushmeat smuggling stories pushed by corporate media in preparation for next biological weapon release on America
Remember the first mainstream-concocted fable about the origins of COVID-19? Mainstream fake news outlets around the world claimed it all started because some little wet market in China was serving up infected bat meat. That was before everyone besides Fauci and his cohorts knew that the virus had lab-created “gain of function” ability to transmit from bats […]
By S.D. Wells
PVI – Post vaccine illness is the new pandemic
The pandemic has become endemic, thanks to the Omicron variant, but MSM and the “Demoncrats” in Washington DC want to keep it going for many reasons. Now, the new pandemic has nothing to do with a virus created in a Wuhan lab, but rather the vaccines created to “treat” that man-made virus, and the deadly […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 BAD health choices you could be making during this pandemic that put your brain, body, and spirit in harm’s way
Most Americans believe that the basic food choices in grocery stores are not detrimental to health, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. The major corporations put so many processed and chemically-tainted ingredients in their products that there’s barely, if any, nutritional value left, only leaving “food stuff” that’s riddled with pesticides and chemical-laced […]
By S.D. Wells
PANDEMIC’S END? Waste water samples from nearly all of Houston’s treatment plants contain supposed “omicron” variant
Most people, when exposed to a weaker strain of a virus, build antibodies that help ward off all versions of that virus, even new mutations. This is the power of natural immunity, and the kind that can last a lifetime, unlike these artificial-stimulation “vaccines” that instruct your cells to create toxic virus-mimicking “particles” that forever […]
By S.D. Wells
Former UFC Owner Dana White proves media narrative about Covid treatments is an absolute LIE… you can beat Covid with natural remedies and ivermectin
Dana White Jr. is the President of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), the fastest growing sports enterprise on the planet and the biggest mixed martial arts organization in the world, now a multibillion-dollar league of its own. White himself is worth half-a-billion dollars, and now he’s gone and done the “unthinkable.” He cured COVID-19 in […]
By S.D. Wells
Americans get 90 DAYS IN JAIL for simply keeping their businesses OPEN during the scamdemic, while Walmart, McDonald’s, Amazon rake in a fortune
A judge in Minnesota just sentenced a woman to 90 days in jail for “violating” the governor’s COVID-19 indoor service ban during the scamdemic. Thou shall not make money during the China Flu crisis unless you are a high-ranking member of a huge corporation (at the top of the food chain). Though quarantines, lockdowns and […]
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