By Isabelle Z.
Remember the ZIKA virus mass hysteria pushed by the media? Where are all the shrunken-headed babies we were warned would sweep across America?
A few years ago, it was nearly impossible to escape the Zika virus hype. Whipped into a frenzy by a hysterical mass media, people were dousing themselves with toxic mosquito repellents left and right to stave off the “deadly” disease that was going to shrink the heads of the next generation. Yet these days, people […]
By David Williams
Mosquitoes infected with natural bacteria to prevent reproduction will be released in Miami, in a non-GM effort to reduce mosquito populations
It might seem like scientists and other experts have all tried pretty much everything they can to eradicate pesky mosquitoes from the planet. But now, to fight Zika and other kinds of viruses carried by them, a new team of researchers based out of South Miami has decided to simply go after their progeny. According to […]
By Amy Goodrich
Google’s sister company releasing 20 million mosquitoes infected with fertility-destroying bacteria… DEPOPULATION experiment?
On July 14, Google’s bio-lab began releasing the first batches of the 20 million bacteria-filled mosquitoes they plan to set free in the heart of California in an effort to shrink the population of mosquitoes that can carry life-threatening diseases. The project, called Debug Fresno, is an initiative led by Verily Life Sciences, an offshoot of […]
By Isabelle Z.
In pushing malaria drug finding, the mainstream media accidentally admits Zika virus vaccines are obsolete
Although the Zika mass hysteria has largely died down, those who stand to benefit financially from the overblown illness are trying to keep it in the headlines. The latest news sees a malaria drug being touted as a possible treatment, and a mainstream media news story about the medication features a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it admission that Zika […]
By Russel Davis
Repel mosquitos naturally with these 10 powerful plants
Mosquitoes are likely to be the first thing that comes to your mind when insect-related diseases are discussed. Is it really a wonder, considering mosquito-borne diseases have shown significant prevalence over the past decades? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the global incidence of dengue showed a 30-fold increase over the last 30 years. Additionally, the organization noted that more than […]
By Russel Davis
Compound in turmeric found to suppress viruses, including hepatitis, herpes, chikungunya, influenza-A, HIV and HPV
The turmeric compound curcumin was found to effectively suppress a large number of viruses, recent studies showed. The compound was previously known to defer cancer growth, resolve Lichen Panus, reduce type-2 diabetes and prevent Alzheimer’s disease and dementia onset. However, a new article published in GreenMedInfo.com listed several other studies indicating that the compound was able to […]
By Ethan Huff
Zika hysteria spreads to sperm donors as CDC orders halt to donations in three Florida counties where Zika has done virtually nothing
If it’s not Swine Flu it’s Ebola, and if it’s not Ebola it’s Zika, the latest manufactured epidemic that the government wants everyone to fear. Though Zika has mostly been a non-issue in the U.S., officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have made a proclamation that men who live in, or […]
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