01/25/2022 / By Lance D Johnson
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) are YET to be held accountable for circumventing a federal moratorium on gain-of-function virology research. With the help of Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci, this risky bioweapon research was seditiously off-shored through EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak who collaborated with CCP scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.
Not surprisingly, the first cases of SARS-CoV-2 appeared in Wuhan, China, where lethal, coronavirus bioweapons research had been conducted for years with the help of NIH grants. The goal of this research was to develop highly profitable diagnostics and vaccine technologies to preempt a future “pathogen of pandemic potential.” Not coincidentally, a genetic sequence for a coronavirus spike protein was already prepared for mRNA vaccine deployment BEFORE the World Health Organization declared a “worldwide pandemic.”
Now the NIH is funding a new animal experiment center in Texas to develop a vaccine for Ebola and other viruses. Will the quest for a lucrative Ebola vaccine also lead to the sudden appearance of a contagious Ebola strain in the years to come?
The unaccountable NIH will be endorsing new research efforts in Texas to develop highly profitable diagnostics and vaccines for future Ebola strains. The Texas Biomedical Research Institute (Texas Biomed) and the Southwest National Primate Research Center are being supported by the National Institutes of Health, Office of Research Infrastructure Programs via grant number P51 OD011133. The project is also supported by a $4 million grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.
“Nonhuman primates are the unsung heroes of biomedical research and are essential to helping us eradicate infectious diseases here in San Antonio and around the world,” says Larry Schlesinger, MD, President and CEO of Texas Biomed. “This complex will enable us to strategically grow our colony and help ensure the nation is better prepared for future pandemics.”
The animal experiment center will be completed in 2023. Once completed, it will span 200 acres and include four new buildings that can house up to 800 primates. The primates will be used for research purposes to study infectious diseases, which includes viruses that cause hemorrhagic fever (e.g., Ebola). The center will be used to develop new diagnostic panels for a variety of viruses, including but not limited to: tuberculosis, HIV, covid-19 and Ebola. Of course, these dysfunctional diagnostic tests will eventually be used to deprive people of their civil liberties, as witnessed during covid-19 lockdowns and quarantines. No doubt, these tests will be deployed against future “pandemics” that advertise pre-selected virus strains to exploit the population. No doubt, these tests will be used to convince healthy people they are sick with a certain type of virus and will need to be force tested wherever they travel.
The animal experiment center will also develop new vaccines to preempt future outbreaks. It is being funded under the same premises that preceded the covid-19 scandal and the ensuing push for mandatory, taxpayer-funded vaccines. The risk of virus escape will be high in Texas, because pharmaceutical companies have already created a blueprint to capitalize on preemptive biomedical research. It won’t matter whether the release of future Ebola strains is intentional, unintentional or can be traced at all; the pharmaceutical racketeering that has been witnessed during the covid-19 lockdowns is a calculated blueprint that works — a well-funded juggernaut of subjugation, terror and mass human exploitation.
This is how pharmaceutical companies invest in the future:
Despite all of these risks, the director of the new center is most concerned about their reputation in regards to animal cruelty. He reassured the public that the center will be all about the welfare of the animals, even though the animals will eventually be infected with potentially lethal viruses. “First and foremost, this project is about providing the best possible care for our animals,” says Deepak Kaushal, PhD, Director of the SNPRC. “Our talented and compassionate team provides exceptional care to our 2,500 primates, and these new facilities will ensure they can continue to do that well into the future.”
The center includes a state-of-the-art veterinary clinic, a central meeting space for animal care staff, and a bunch of pathology labs, where researchers will exploit the animals for infectious disease research. Animals were maimed during the development of vaccines for SARS-CoV-1, MERS and dengue virus. In a 2012 study, ferrets developed lung disease and died after vaccination and subsequent infection. In a 2005 study, mice and civets suffered from enhanced disease and become more susceptible to coronaviruses AFTER they were vaccinated. Under Operation Warp Speed, animals were spared certain suffering because the U.S. government skipped the animal trials and went straight to human clinical trials.
How many animals will die at this facility to create new vaccines, and how many future lab leaks, whether intentional or unintentional, will eventually put immune-compromised, over-vaccinated humans at risk?
Sources include:
Phe.gov [PDF]
Tagged Under: animal research, animal tests, animal welfare, biological weapons, biomedical research, bioweapons, depopulation, Ebola, gain-of-function, human exploitation, lab leaks, Medical Tyranny, outbreak, pathogens of pandemic potential, pharmaceutical racketeering, preemptive vaccines, vaccine investments, virology research, virus escape